You have probably heard of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), a standards-based educational reform act passed by the U.S. Congress in 2001. What was supposed to be a powerful, nation-wide reform turned out to be resisted by states and local school districts for lack of help by the federal government, specifically in regards to lack of funding (Loveless, 2006). The sanctions that were to result from minorities and underprivileged students not reaching their yearly progress were a looming threat to these same educators, and in turn made it more difficult to reach their goals.
However, volunteers in the state of California took it upon themselves back in 1996 to participate in the first ever NetDay school wiring event. As part of the Speak Up project, more than 50,000 volunteers - teachers, students, parents, technology executives, city mayors, religious leaders, and more - came together to provide students with the emerging technology tools and services that would enable, engage, and empower these students to compete in the 21st century global economy. Their belief? Education would break the cycle of poverty. Their motto? "Don't tell me we can't". Pure and simple.
The roles of educators were important. Librarians and technology coordinators would
enable student use of emerging technologies through planning, support, and recommendations. Classroom teachers would
engage these same students in rich learning experiences through these technologies. Finally, school and district administrators would
empower the teachers and students to envision the future of digital learning.
The following key trends were discussed:
Key Trend 1: Mobile Learning
The huge increase in the past couple of years of mobile learning allows for a more "anytime, anywhere, un-tethered learning" (Speak Up 2010). More and more students are owning iPhones, BlackBerrys, and other smart phones that enable them to listen to podcasts, watch videos, and view/send emails related to school work. While not without its own problems. it is a useful tool in using emerging technologies in education.
Key Trend 2: Online and Blended Learning
More and more interest is shown for online and blended learning by students and parents alike. It offers more course options and resolves any scheduling conflicts that might arise. It also offers more personalized learning for the student. The main reason to offer it by administrators is to "keep students engaged" (38%), followed by "academic remediation" and "increased graduation rates" (both 33%). The main barriers preventing educators from offering online learning is "lack of interaction" and "lack of funding" (both 30%), with "lack of teacher interest or skill" at only 13%.
Key Trend 3: Digital Content
The costs of traditional textbooks, long a burden on most students, is giving rise to e-textbooks and digital content. Using these digital resources offer students the similar instruction, but in a cheaper, more interesting way than carrying around a backpack full of books that not only impact your wallet, but your back as well. According to the Illinois State Board of Education's
Carrying Backpacks: Physical Effects (June 2006), "injury can occur When a child tries to overcompensate for the extra weight by leaning forward, arching his or her back or leaning to the side."
The following figures gives a teachers' view of the impact of technology on their students and the teachers' effectiveness:
One does not need a national act to make a change in education and to keep up with the world and emerging technologies. A group of dedicated people, whether educators, administrators, students, parents, clergymen, etc., can make a change. To view the complete report, go to: